Russell Hobbs Juicer CPSVT26XX 10X User Guide

Read the instructions and keep them safe. If you pass the juicer on, pass on the  
instructions too. Remove all packaging, but keep it till you know the juicer works.  
important safeguards  
Follow basic safety precautions, including:  
1 This juicer must only be used by or under the supervision of a responsible adult. Use  
and store it out of reach of children.  
2 Don’t put the motor unit in liquid, don’t use it in a bathroom, near water, or  
3 Don’t use fingers or cutlery to push food down the tube, use only the pusher  
4 Check that both clamps are in place before using your juicer.  
5 Don’t remove the clamps till the grating sieve has come to a complete stop.  
6 Don’t use your juicer if the grating sieve is damaged.  
7 Take care when handling the grating sieve, otherwise you may cut yourself.  
8 Switch off (0) and unplug before moving, dismantling or cleaning the juicer.  
9 Sit the juicer on a dry, stable, level surface, near a power socket.  
10 Route the cable so it doesn’t overhang, and can’t be tripped over or caught.  
11 Keep the juicer and the cable away from hotplates, hobs or burners.  
12 Don’t let the juice container overflow. If the liquid gets under the unit, it may be  
sucked into the motor, damaging it.  
13 Don't run the motor for more than 2 minutes, or it may overheat. After 2 minutes,  
switch off for at least 2 minutes, to let the motor cool.  
14 Don’t fit any attachment or accessory other than those we supply.  
15 Don’t use the juicer for any purpose other than those described in these instructions.  
16 Don’t operate the juicer if it’s damaged or malfunctions.  
17 If the cable is damaged, return the juicer, to avoid hazard.  
household use only  
buy quality  
Buy organically grown produce whenever you can, to reduce your intake of insecticide  
and fertiliser residues.  
Use good quality, fresh, ripe fruit and vegetables. Soft vegetables or overripe fruit can  
make the juice thick, cloudy, and funny-tasting.  
Wash all fruit and vegetables. Use a brush on the harder ones. Remove the outer leaves  
on non-organic produce. Peel any non-organic or waxed fruit or vegetables. Cut out  
and discard bruises and blemishes as these may affect the taste of the juice.  
stalks and leaves  
Remove stalks, stems, leaves and fern.  
warning rhubarb leaves are poisonous, they contain oxalic acid – they mustn't be  
juiced or eaten.  
Remove and discard stones, peach pits and other big seeds. Pomegranate seeds,  
melon seeds, and small seeds in raspberries, Kiwi fruit and strawberries can be left in.  
smelly vegetables  
Don't juice anything really strong or pungent, like onions or garlic. No matter how well  
you clean your juicer, you'll never get rid of the taste.  
apples & pears  
Core apples and pears, and discard the cores/seeds – the seeds aren't good for you.  
Don't try to juice bananas – the residue will clog the grating sieve.  
oranges, grapefruit and tangerines  
Peel oranges, grapefruit and tangerines. The oil in their skins is bitter and difficult to  
digest, the pith is bitter.  
Remove the skin and pith – they really don't taste nice.  
Watermelon rind can be left on, but some people find the taste a bit "green". Try a bit  
first and see what you think. If you remove the rind you'll miss out on many of the  
nutrients, but it's not medicine – it's meant to taste nice.  
cut down  
Cut fruit and vegetables down so they'll go through the tube. Use the pusher to clear  
anything that sticks, to push down the last bits of fruit, and to push down carrots,  
celery and other long fruit and veg.  
Bunch up leafy greens, parsley, wheat grass and beansprouts into a small tight ball and  
push it down the tube with the pusher.  
When you've finished juicing, don't just throw the pulp in the bin. It may still contain a  
great deal of goodness. Before you throw it away, think of things like thickening for  
soups or stews, pie-fillings, or even the compost heap.  
care and maintenance  
1 Switch off (0) and unplug before moving, dismantling or cleaning the juicer.  
caution take care when handling the grating sieve – it’s sharp.  
2 Lift the pusher from the tube.  
3 Turn the top of the pusher anti-clockwise, to separate the small pusher from the big  
4 Pull the bottoms of the clamps away from the motor unit, to release the cover.  
5 Lift the cover off, and put it on a plate or in a basin to catch any drips.  
6 Grip the edges of the grating sieve, and lift it out of the pulp container.  
7 Lift the pulp container off the motor unit.  
8 Wipe the outside of the motor unit with a clean damp cloth.  
9 Wash all the removable parts in warm soapy water, and leave them to drain dry.  
10 Don’t put any part of the juicer in a dishwasher.  
11 The extreme environment inside the dishwasher can affect the surface finishes.  
12 Don’t put the motor unit in water or any other liquid.  
13 Don’t use harsh or abrasive cleaning agents or solvents.  
grating sieve  
14 If the grating sieve is clogged, hold it under a running tap and brush along the  
surface of the mesh with a nylon washing up brush. Don’t try to poke the bristles  
through the mesh – you’ll break it.  
15 Carotenoids, which are found in many other vegetables as well as carrots, can cause  
severe staining. This staining may be impossible to remove. Don’t worry about it, it  
won’t affect the operation of the juicer.  
16 If you want to try, then you could try soaking the stained parts overnight in one of  
the following:  
a) quarter of a cup of household bleach in a sink full of warm water  
b) a mixture of 1 part white vinegar to two parts warm water  
c) half a small packet of baking soda in enough warm water to cover the parts  
caution Don’t try to mix these methods. You may make a mess, you may cause nasty  
eye-watering, breath-catching fumes, and you may harm the parts you’re  
trying to clean.  
17 Put the pulp container on top of the motor unit, with the spout at the front.  
18 Put the grating sieve into the pulp container and rotate it till it catches on the drive.  
19 Align the catches with the clamps, and lower the cover on to the pulp container.  
20 Fit the tops of the clamps over the catches, then press the bottoms of the clamps in,  
towards the motor unit, to lock the cover in place.  
21 Put the small pusher inside the big one, and turn it clockwise, to lock them together.  
22 Replace the pusher in the tube.  
23 Sit the motor unit on a dry, firm, level surface, near a power socket.  
24 Route the cable so it doesn’t overhang, and can’t be tripped over or caught.  
in use  
25 You’ll need a jug or bowl to use as a juice container.  
26 Check that you’ve assembled the juicer correctly.  
27 Check that the switch is off – move it to 0.  
28 Put the plug into the power socket.  
29 Put the juice container under the spout to collect the juice.  
30 Push the spout down, to open it, and allow the juice to flow.  
31 Move the switch to 1 (low) for soft fruit, move it to 2 (high) for harder fruit.  
32 With the motor running, feed cut fruit or vegetables into the tube.  
33 If necessary, push down gently with the pusher.  
34 Keep your fingers well out of the way.  
35 Use the big pusher for larger pieces of fruit.  
36 For smaller fruits, put the big pusher in the tube, and use the small pusher to push  
the fruit down the tube inside the big pusher.  
37 The wheel at the bottom of the tube will help prevent larger pieces from being  
thrown up the tube, but it’s better to use the pusher all the time.  
38 Keep an eye on the juice and pulp containers. Don’t let them get over full.  
39 When either fills up:  
a) move the switch to 0  
b) push the spout up, to close it  
c) open the clamps and remove the cover  
d) remove the grating sieve (mind your fingers)  
e) lift off the pulp container and empty it  
f) replace the pulp container  
g) replace the grating sieve (mind your fingers)  
h) replace the cover and close the clamps  
i) empty the juice container and replace it under the spout  
j) push the spout down, to open it  
k) carry on juicing  
40 If the juicer starts to vibrate violently, switch it off, then remove and clean the  
grating sieve.  
41 Don't run the motor for more than 2 minutes, or it may overheat. After 2 minutes,  
switch off for at least 2 minutes, to let the motor cool.  
42 Switch it off when you’re not juicing, e.g. when you empty the juice or pulp  
containers, and when you’re preparing produce for juicing.  
a few simple recipes to get you started  
Fruit and vegetables like apricots, apples and carrots have natural sweetness and make excellent  
energy drinks. To make them even more energising, add a little honey and wheatgerm. This  
combination makes a great breakfast substitute if you've no time to eat in the morning. It can  
also be used as an occasional meal replacement.  
2 carrots  
3 apricots  
2 apples  
small measure of cold milk  
1 tsp wheatgerm  
1 tsp honey  
Top and tail the carrots. Don't peel the apricots or apples. Halve the apricots and remove the  
stones. Chop the fruit to fit, then use the pusher to push down the tube. Mix with milk to taste,  
add the honey and wheatgerm and stir.  
stress buster  
It is widely suggested that certain nutrients have a calming effect on the central nervous system.  
These are mainly the B group vitamins, Vitamin C, and the mineral calcium. This drink is rich in  
these nutrients and could help to promote a feeling of calm and relaxation.  
1 medium size parsnip  
small head of broccoli (including stalks)  
1 medium size sweet potato  
half green pepper  
2 carrots  
1 stick celery  
Don't skin the sweet potato. Top and tail the carrots and parsnips. Chop to fit, then use the  
pusher to push down the tube. To sweeten, use more carrot or parsnip.  
mango lemon cooler  
1 mango (deseeded)  
¼ lemon with peel  
Add sparkling mineral water and crushed ice. Garnish with a slice of lemon.  
apple and strawberry whizz  
3 green, sharp apples (e.g. Granny Smith)  
small piece fresh ginger  
half punnet of strawberries  
Don't skin the apples, chop to fit. Wash the strawberries and remove the green stalks. Use the  
pusher to push everything down the tube. Serve over ice.  
sparkling fruity blitz  
2 oranges  
small piece pineapple  
half lemon  
1 kiwi fruit  
1 apple  
fresh mint leaves  
chilled lemonade/sparkling mineral water  
Peel the oranges, lemon, pineapple, and kiwi fruit, but not the apple. Cut to fit, then use the  
pusher to push everything down the tube. Add sparkling water or lemonade to taste. Serve over  
ice, in tall glasses, topped with a fresh mint leaf.  
the beautiful skin drink  
Fresh fruit and vegetables can help detoxify your body and stimulate your kidneys, to promote  
healthier and clearer skin. This drink is rich in essential detoxifying vitamins and minerals,  
particularly vitamins A, C, and E, and minerals Zinc and Potassium.  
large handful of watercress  
1 green, sharp apple (e.g. Granny Smith)  
2 carrots  
1 orange  
Top and tail the carrots, peel the orange, don't peel the apple. Chop to fit the tube, don't chop  
the watercress, just rinse and shake dry. Use the pusher to push everything down the tube, then  
serve in a chilled glass.  
tropical zinger  
2 oranges  
large piece watermelon  
1 small lemon  
small bunch fresh mint  
sparkling mineral water or lemonade  
2 passion fruit  
1 papaya (paw paw)  
1 mango  
large piece pineapple  
Wash the mint but don't chop it. Halve the passion fruit and papaya and scoop out the flesh  
(don't worry about the seeds). Halve the mango, remove the stone, and scoop out the flesh. Peel  
the oranges, pineapple, and lemon, but not the watermelon. Chop the fruit to fit, then use the  
pusher to push everything down the tube. Mix with mineral water or lemonade.  
sparkling eye potion  
In order to maintain healthy, shiny eyes our bodies require plenty of B vitamins, as well as  
vitamins C and E and beta-carotene. Try this juice drink now and again as a refreshing and tasty  
vitamin enriched drink.  
2 green, sharp apples (e.g. Granny Smith)  
half head broccoli  
3 large carrots  
half red pepper  
Top and tail the carrots. Don't peel the apples. Chop to fit (including the broccoli stalks), then  
use the pusher to push down the tube.  
low fat creamy fruit cocktail  
bunch of white or red seedless grapes  
very low fat or virtually fat free vanilla  
yoghurt or ice cold skimmed milk to taste  
half a fresh pineapple  
small handful strawberries  
2 peaches or nectarines  
handful of fresh raspberries  
Don't peel the peaches/nectarines, halve them and remove the stones. Peel the pineapple.  
Rinse the strawberries and remove the green stalks. Chop to fit, then push down the tube with  
the pusher. Combine well with a little yoghurt or milk to taste.  
ice-creamy fruit shake  
1 mango  
1 kiwi fruit  
quarter of a pineapple  
large scoop vanilla ice cream  
ice cold fresh milk  
2 peaches  
handful of strawberries  
crushed ice (optional)  
Cut the mango in half, remove the stone, scoop out the flesh. Peel the kiwi fruit and pineapple,  
but not the peaches. Halve the peaches and remove the stones. Chop the fruit to fit and use the  
pusher to push down the tube.  
Mix the juice with the milk, stir well, then pour into tall glasses containing crushed ice and top  
with the ice cream. Mmmm nice!  
savoury cocktail  
2 carrots  
handful of spinach or watercress  
small bunch of fresh coriander or basil  
half red pepper  
3 tomatoes  
1 stick celery  
dash of Tabasco or Worcestershire sauce (optional)  
Top and tail the carrots, don't peel the tomatoes. Chop the carrots, tomatoes, celery and red  
pepper to fit the tube – don't chop the watercress, just rinse and shake dry. Use the pusher to  
push everything down the tube. Add a little Tabasco or Worcestershire sauce to taste and stir  
well before serving.  
still lemonade  
4 apples  
¼ lemon  
Core the apples. Don't peel the lemon, just remove the pips. Don't add water, there's enough  
liquid for one glass. Don't add sugar, the apples are sweet enough. Just juice the fruit together,  
put the juice in a glass, and drink. To quench a thirst on a really hot summer day (whatever that  
is), fill the bottom quarter of the glass with crushed ice, then pour the juice over the ice.  
sunshine cocktail  
2 apples  
4-6 strawberries  
digestive cocktail  
¼ lemon with peel  
½ grapefruit (peeled)  
2 oranges (peeled)  
passion cocktail  
4 strawberries  
1 large chunk pineapple  
1 bunch black grapes  
grape pineapple punch  
1 bunch green grapes (including stems)  
1 large chunk pineapple  
½ lemon with peel  
party cooler  
Juice together. Add a few seedless green  
grapes and chunks of pineapple to the juice  
and garnish with a twist of lemon.  
1 large chunk pineapple  
1 medium orange  
¼ lemon  
Peel the orange, and remove as much pith as  
you can. Don’t peel the lemon.  
holiday cocktail  
2 apples  
1 large bunch grapes  
2cm/1” thick slice of lemon, with peel  
summer rejuvenator  
3 large ripe tomatoes  
½ cool cucumber  
1 stalk celery  
1 small slice lime with peel  
love apple cocktail  
juice of 3 large ripe tomatoes  
½ cool cucumber  
1 stalk celery  
small slice lime with peel  
morning tonic  
1 apple  
1 grapefruit  
Deseed the apple. Remove the pips, skin, and  
as much pith as you can from the grapefruit.  
pineapple and grapefruit  
½ grapefruit (peeled)  
1 large chunk pineapple  
pineapple and orange  
1 large chunk pineapple  
2 peeled oranges  
fruit cocktail  
3 fresh oranges (peeled)  
½ lime with peel  
Add chilled sparkling mineral water and  
garnish with orange slice.  
pineapple and strawberry  
1 large chunk pineapple  
8 strawberries  
tropical nectar  
1 passion fruit  
quarter of a pineapple  
1 small or ½ large papaya  
1 nectarine (without pit)  
pineapple and celery  
2 ribs of celery  
quarter of a pineapple  
pineapple, strawberry, and apple  
1 Red Delicious apple  
1 large chunk pineapple  
6 strawberries  
peach cooler  
1 peach  
1 orange (peeled)  
Add chilled sparkling mineral water and  
garnish with a slice of lime.  
pineapple and tangerine  
1 large chunk pineapple  
4 peeled tangerines  
watermelon juice  
Cut the watermelon into segments narrow  
enough to go through the tube, then feed  
them through, rind, seeds, and flesh.  
pear apple cocktail  
2 apples  
2 firm pears  
cabbage cocktail  
½ green cabbage  
2 stalks celery  
¼ lemon with peel  
holiday cocktail  
2 apples  
1 large bunch of grapes (with stems)  
¼ cup cranberries  
1cm/½” thick slice of lemon with peel  
½ tomato or 3 carrots  
mineral tonic  
1 handful spinach  
4 sprigs parsley  
4-6 carrots  
pick-me-up energy cocktail  
6 carrots  
5 sprigs parsley  
make a note of your own favourite recipes on the following pages  
The product doesn’t need an earth. It has a 13A BS1362 fuse in a 13A  
BS1363 plug. To replace the plug, fit the blue wire to N, and the brown wire  
to L. Fit the cord grip. If in doubt, call an electrician. Don’t use a non-  
rewireable/moulded plug unless the fuse cover is in place. If you remove  
the plug, dispose of it.  
wheelie bin symbol  
To avoid environmental and health problems due to hazardous substances in  
electrical and electronic goods, appliances marked with this symbol mustn’t be  
disposed of with unsorted municipal waste, but recovered, reused, or recycled.  
If you ring Customer Service, please have the Model No. to hand, as we won’t be able  
to help you without it. It’s on the rating plate (usually underneath the product).  
The product isn’t user-serviceable. If it’s not working, read the instructions, check the  
plug fuse and main fuse/circuit breaker. If it’s still not working, consult your retailer.  
If that doesn’t solve the problem – ring Customer Service – they may be able to offer  
technical advice.  
If they advise you to return the product to us, pack it carefully, include a note with your  
name, address, day phone number, and what’s wrong. If under guarantee, say where  
and when purchased, and include proof of purchase (till receipt). Send it to:  
Customer Service, Salton Europe Ltd, Failsworth, Manchester M35 0HS  
telephone: 0845 658 9700 (local rate number)  
Defects affecting product functionality appearing within one year of purchase will be  
corrected by replacement or repair provided the product is used and maintained in  
accordance with the instructions. Your statutory rights are not affected.  
Documentation, packaging, and product specifications may change without notice.  
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